Case 21 Part 5

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What's inside?

Bladder mucosa
Fallopian tube
Endocervical canal
Endometrial cavity


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Discussion Questions


Scroll down for more questions.

1. What organ is being removed at the start of the video?
2. What “mucosa” is the physician referring to?
3. What common pathology might be visible in the organ if there had been a foley catheter?
4. Order from anterior to posterior: rectum, bladder, uterus.
5. Is the rectum visible in the video?
6. What is the parametrium? Identify it in the video.
7. [Jump to interactive video] Identify the uterus, cervix, right ovary, left ovary, right fallopian tube, left fallopian tube, cervical os, endocervical canal, endometrial cavity, endometrial line, myometriumuscle
8. Why is the physician wondering about endometrial cancer?
9. Do you think this individual had children?


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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Show me what each option does.


If I click this…
I’ll see a video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of key terms or an activity.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of discussion questions about the video.
If I click this…*
I’ll see the same video but with interactive anatomy pins.
On the right I’ll see the list of pins.
*Only on some cases.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video but I can draw on it and add numbers to label what I’ve drawn.
It’s interactive.
If I click this…
I’ll have a sketch pad to draw on.
There’s a male body diagram, a female body diagram and also a blank canvas.
This space is saved for the future.