Case 4 Part 2

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Activity: Train to view cases. Shuffle list below to match order of events in the case. The site will let you know when the order is correct.
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Rearrange the list below to match the order of events in the video.

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How to shuffle: Click on an event. Hold down the click. Then drag up or down to bring to a new position. Like this:

Y-shaped incision
External assessment
Removal of chest plate
Contact with EKG leads

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Discussion Questions


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1. What abnormalities are present on the external rib cage? (Start with the basics. Describe these first: location, size, color, texture, symmetry, anatomic boundaries, etc. Then, suggest possible diagnoses.) Feel free to use the sketch pad..
2. How many masses are identified in this video?
3. Where are the masses?
4. Do you think the patient has multifocal tumor? Or a single, irregularly shaped tumor?
5. They bone saw is typically used starting at the inferior costal margin. Why does the pathologist start instead at the clavicle on the left?
6. Why does the pathologist continually try to look inside the chest cavity while using the bone saw?
7. There is some fluid leaking above the mass at 00:50. What do you think this is? Where do you think it’s coming from?
8. Has the patient had a cholecystectomy?
9. Are there any adhesions? If so, where are the and why do you think they are there?
10. Based on what you see in the video, to what anatomic structure is the intrathoracic mass attached?
11. Learn about mesotheliomas. Summarize briefly what you know.
12. Can mesotheliomas be intra-abdominal?

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