
1. How are the videos organized?
2. How do I access the different search modes?
3. How do I find a specific anatomic structure?
4. Is there a way to know what’s inside any video before playing it?
5. How do I access a video?
6. Are there tutorials?


1. Why do some videos have sound and others do not?
2. How do I find a case with more or less audio?
3. Most of the audio is either conversational or explanatory recorded during the case. Is there any “voice-over” audio explaining what’s happening?
4. Why is the audio not always clear?
5. How do I turn on closed captions.

Subscriptions and Billing

1. My subscription lapsed. How do I resubscribe?
2. How do I make sure my subscription ends and I will not be billed again? I do NOT want to automatically renew (auto renew).
3. I need to invoice my school’s billing department once at the beginning of the year. May I?
4. What’s the difference between an order, subscription and membership?
5. Are subscriptions refundable?
6. Does Autopsy.Online have access to my credit card data?

Tech and Site Use

1. How will I login?
2. I have an Institutional Code from my school but can’t login. Why?
3. Is the site compatible with SSO/SAML (Shibboleth, Open Athens, etc.)
4. Is the site accessible via EZProxy?
5. How many devices can I log into with my subscription?
6. How many browsers can I log into on one device?
7. Can I download video?
8. Are there closed captions?
9. Are there foreign language subtitles?
10. Where can I find a copy of the Terms of Use I agreed to during checkout?
11. Where can I find a copy of the Privacy Policy?
12. What types of devices can I use (mobile, table, desktop)?

More about our video

1. What is Interactive Video?
2. How do I login to interactive video?
3. Which cases do you video-record? Or do you video-record all of them?
4. Can families opt out of video-recording?
5. How do you protect confidentiality during video-recording?
6. Who chooses to video-record?
7. Who watches our content?

The trade-off with real

1. Are cases produced for site?
2. How does the case being real affect the video?
3. Why do some cases use still photos while others don’t?
4. Why don’t some of the organ photographs have rulers?
5. Why doesn’t each case have medical records?
6. Why are some parts of the videos blurry?
7. Why don’t you provide ages of the patients?

Culture, diversity, background

1. Why does the site identify race in the patient history?
2. How does Autopsy.Online support diversity, equity and inclusion?