Case 31 Part 1

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What's inside?

Y-shaped incision
Second autopsy
Lip laceration

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Discussion Questions


Scroll down for more questions.

1. Is this a first autopsy or a second autopsy?
2. What are some reasons a family might request a second autopsy?
3. Review the history. Why do you think we can’t disclose much information?
4. Inventory all the findings in the body.
5. Go to the sketch option (5th option on the page) and draw and label your findings.
6. Are there any signs of trauma?
7. If you think there’s trauma, what signs of trauma do you see? Where are they on the body?
8. There are some sutured incisions on the body. Who made them? Why was each one made in that location on the body? (Explain each one, one-by-one.)
9. If you don’t know the answer to question 8, go on to Part 2 and then come back and see if the added information helps.
10. How does the lip injury add to the picture?

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