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Discussion Questions
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1. Identify the right upper, middle and lower lobes; and the left upper and lower lobes.
2. Identify the oblique fissure. Identify the bilateral horizontal fissures.
3. What is anthracosis. Does the patient have it?
4. What structures comprise the lung hila?
5. Once the hilar structures are visible on the right, identify the bronchus, pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins?
6. Once the hilar structures are visible on the left, identify the bronchus, pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins?
7. Did you identify the structure in 2. and 3. based on relative location or appearance?
8. Draw out the right hilar structure, correctly positioned (which is anterior, posterior, medial later). Repeat for the left.
9. Which is thicker and more firm, the pulmonary artery or vein?
10. Which vessel is the pathologist checking for pulmonary embolism?
11. What is the difference between a central and peripheral pulmonary embolism?
12. Is it possible to have microscopic pulmonary embolism?
13. Did this patient have a pulmonary embolism?
14. Was the patient a smoker? What anatomy evidence is there for your answer?
15. There is a lymph node identified. Does it appear normal or diseased? How can you tell?
16. Where are thoracic lymph nodes typically found (named areas)?
17. What are the lung weights? Are the lung weights normal?
18. Which lung is heavier? Is that normal?
16. What would be the clinical significance of a pulmonary embolism obstructing the right pulmonary artery vs. a pulmonary embolism obstructing a single sublobar pulmonary artery vs. a single microscopic pulmonary embolism?
19. What is acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease?
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