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External exam
Intraosseous needle
Livor mortis
EKG lead mark
Defibrillator pad mark
Postmortem gas formation
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1. What’s the differential diagnosis for sudden onset of shortness of breath followed by collapse (see history)?
2. What’s the differential diagnosis of the patient’s collapse based on the complete history?
3. How do you interpret the negative work-up after presenting recently with chest pain?
4. You are the treating provider. Your patient presents with a complaint of chest tightness. What do you include in your work-up?
5. You are the treating provider. Your patient with chest tightness has a “negative” work-up. What next steps would you take?
6. How decomposed is the body?
7. What is the device in the left leg?
8. What’s inside the testes and penis that is making them swollen?
9. In what position was the patient likely found? What evidence supports this?
10. Why is the center of the back pale?
11. What medical treatments are there evidence of?
12. Are there any clues in the body so far that suggest a likely (or more likely) cause of death?
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