Case 15 Part 2

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What's inside?

Flexor carpi radialis muscle (tendon)
Palmaris longus muscle (tendon)
Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
Brachioradialis muscle
Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
Thenar eminence
Hypothenar eminence
Extensor carpi ulnaris (tendon) muscle
Abductor pollicis longus muscle
Extensor pollicis brevis muscle
Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (tendon)
Extensor digiti minimi muscle (tendon)
Styloid process
Extensor pollicis longus muscle (tendon)
Tendon extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor digitorum muscle
Extensor retinaculum
Right arm
Subcutaneous tissue
Upper extremity

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Discussion Questions


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1. Is this the right arm or left?
2. Identify medial and lateral at the start of the video. Is the view ventral or dorsal?
3. Identify medial and lateral at the end of the video. Is the view ventral or dorsal?
4. How much of the forearm is exposed? How far up the arm is the exposure — close to the elbow, mid-forearm or distal forearm?
5. Identify each of the muscles in the “What’s inside?” list.
6. [Jump to sketch pad] Draw out the arm and hand bones. Draw in the origins, muscle bellies, tendons and insertions of each of the muscles in the “What’s inside?” list.
7. Which muscles span the elbow?
8. Which muscles span the wrist?
8. Which muscles span both?
9. [Jump to interactive video] Pause the video in a ventral view. Sketch in the ulnar and radial arteries.
10. [Jump to interactive video] Is the medial nerve ventral or dorsal? Find a place to sketch it in.
11. [Jump to interactive video] Is the radial nerve ventral or dorsal? Find a place to sketch it in.
12. [Jump to interactive video] Is the ulnar nerve ventral or dorsal? Find a place to sketch it in?

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Anatomy Pins

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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