Case 39 Part 8

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What's inside?

Splenic hilum
Splenic vein

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Discussion Questions


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1. What is the normal weight of the spleen?
2. The spleen weighs approximately 900 grams. Why was that?
3. What are some of the consequences of massive splenomegaly?
4. What is the vasculature of the spleen.
5. Are any of those vessels (artery or vein) identified in the video?
6. What pathology is identified in the video? Explain if the pathology is old or new and how you can tell.
7. Why is the pathology there?
8. Did the spleen rupture?
9. Where did the bleeding come from?
10. Do you think the bleed was arterial or venous? Why?
11. What role did CPR have in the bleed, if any? What’s your evidence?
12. What role did portal hypertension have in the bleed, if any? What’s your evidence?
13. Why did this person die?
14. What can cause splenic rupture?

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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If I click this…
I’ll see a video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of key terms or an activity.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of discussion questions about the video.
If I click this…*
I’ll see the same video but with interactive anatomy pins.
On the right I’ll see the list of pins.
*Only on some cases.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video but I can draw on it and add numbers to label what I’ve drawn.
It’s interactive.
If I click this…
I’ll have a sketch pad to draw on.
There’s a male body diagram, a female body diagram and also a blank canvas.
This space is saved for the future.