Case 23 Part 5

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What's inside?

Small intestine
Gastroesophageal junction

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Discussion Questions


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1. What is a Roux-en-Y procedure?
2. What is a gastric banding procedure?
3. The first half of the video shows the organs still in the body. Can you identify the pouch, bypassed stomach, roux limb and bypassed duodenum?
4. The second half of the video shows the organs after removal from the body. Can you identify the pouch, bypassed stomach, roux limb and bypassed duodenum?
5. Can you identify each anastomosis. Are they intact?
6. Is the amount of bleeding seen at the start of video normal for this surgical procedure?
7. Is there a problem with the surgery?
8. Did the patient have a gastric banding procedure? How can you tell?
9. What are some complications for a Roux-en-Y procedure?
10. What are some complications for a gastric banding procedure?

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