Case 36 Part 1

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Activity: Train to view cases. Shuffle list below to match order of events in the case. The site will let you know when the order is correct.
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Rearrange the list below to match the order of events in the video.

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How to shuffle: Click on an event. Hold down the click. Then drag up or down to bring to a new position. Like this:

Y-shaped incision
External assessment
Removal of chest plate
Contact with EKG leads

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Discussion Questions


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1. What are some possible causes of death based on the history?
2. What external findings fit for the history?
3. Are there any decomposition changes? Where are they and what are they?
4. Inventory the external findings.
5. Are they any clues to a possible cause of death?
6. Is the any livor mortis? Where is it? Explain the pattern.
7. What kinds of illnesses was the patient at risk for just based on her physical exam.

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