Case 38 Part 8

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What's inside?

Left lung

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Discussion Questions


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1. Which lung is this?
2. Identify the diaphragmatic surface, bronchus, pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.
3. What is the diagnosis here?
4. At 00:18, the thrombus is visible adjacent to the lung. Can you estimate the size of the thrombus?
5. What steps does the site take to protect patient confidentiality?
6. What does the shape of the thrombus tell you about its site of origin?
7. Is the clot postmortem or pre-mortem? How can you tell?
8. How many thrombi can you identify in the video?
9. What were the patient’s risk factors for the process?
10. What lobe of the lung was involved?
11. Is there a clinical correlate in the history? Can you tell when the process happened?
12. Is the process here the cause of death? Or how does it contribute to the cause of death?

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