Case 39 Part 3

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What's inside?

Pleural Fluid
Pericardial sac
Pericardial fluid
Pulmonary artery

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Discussion Questions


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1. Describe what is going on in the video.
2. What assessments are being made? The first is 00:00 – 00:05. The second is 00:06 – 00:16. The third is 00:20 – 00:36. This is also the time to make a general assessment of the heart. So, four different assessment altogether. What are they?
3. What external assessment would you make of the heart?
4. What changes in the appearance of the heart might you expect to see in a patient with hypertension? Diabetes? Uremia? History of coronary bypass surgery? Amyloidosis? Past myocardial infarction? CPR?
5. What positive and negative findings can be made in this case? Inventory them.
6. Which findings are normal? Which are abnormal?
7. Which findings might have clinical significance? Which probably do not? Can an abnormal finding have no clinical significance? Or do abnormal findings always have clinical significance? Why or why not?
8. Is the presence of pericardial fluid normal or abnormal? If it is normal, how much is acceptable? When is pericardial fluid pathological or is it always pathological? What is tamponade? Does this patient have tamponade? What do you think of the color or appearance of the pericardial fluid? Is it normal or abnormal? What appearances of the fluid could be normal or abnormal? Search for cases with pericardial fluid on the site and get a sense of what’s normal or common. Or do a literature review. Have you revised your answer?
9. As a clinician, how will you tell what changes in the body have clinical significance and which do not?

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