Quick Start Guide


What would you like to do today?

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Explore clinical histories.

Find a specific anatomic structure.

Explore basic anatomy by body region.
Visit the Body Map.
Select Anatomy option.

Find a basic autopsy with some explanation.
Case 1: Chest and abdomen.
Case 16: Brain removal.

Train yourself to follow a case.
Start with Case 1, Case 2, Case 3, or Case 4. Rearrange the sequence of events on the right to match the video. This will sharpen your observation skills for the cases.

Find examples of pathology for different organs.
Go to the Body Map.
Choose “Selected Case Findings.”

Find normal histology.
Go to Histology.
View digitized slides.

Practice physical examination/observation skills.
Go to the Case History.
Select “External Examination” below most cases.

Improve my general clinical and diagnostic skills.
Go to the Case Selector.
Select cases with Discussion Questions.
(Find “Low Independence” cases at the top of each list.)

Improve my clinical decision‑making.
Start with the History.
Assess all clinical and diagnostic issues. Then, view the case.

Focus on communication issues in healthcare.
Case 8: Doctor-Team
Case 27: Patient-Nurse
Case 28: Patient-Doctor
Case 34: Nurse-Doctor

Focus on medical ethics, clinical decision-making and medical error.
Go to Clinical Panels.
Select “Medical Ethics.”

Correlate anatomy and radiology.
Case 8: Abdominopelvic CT; TIPS fluoroscopy
Case 28: Echocardiogram; lower extremity angiogram

Learn autopsy techniques.
Go to the Library.
Explore site-wide.

Find trauma cases.
Go to Clinical Panels.
Select Trauma option.

Find critical care cases.
Go to Clinical Panels.
Select Critical Care.

Find examples of decomposition.
Go to Clinical Panels.
Select Forensics.

View anatomic variation.

Expand my digital anatomy training with real patients.
Go to the Anatomy Pins page.
Search structures alphabetically.

Take on a case independently without assistance from the site like it’s my own patient.
Go to the Case Selector.
Select cases without audio or discussion questions.
(Find “High Independence” cases at the bottom of each list.)

Explore everything.

Take a site tour or view tutorials.


Need something else?
Contact us for assistance.


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