Case 30 Part 11

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What's inside?

Cross sections of the heart

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Discussion Questions


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1. Is the heart sectioned from apex to base? Or base to apex?
2. Is the view anterior or posterior?
3. Identify the left ventricle and right ventricle in each cross section. How can you tell?
4. Identify any trabeculae carneae. Identify any papillary muscles. Identify the cut surface of the myocardiumuscle
5. In which region is the myocardial infarction? Is the infarct old or new? How can you tell?
6. Identify the posterior left ventricle, lateral left ventricle, anterior left ventricle and septumuscle Which portion of the left ventricle has the thickest wall? Which has the thinnest wall? Should these be the same or different? What does this tell you? How does this correlate with your answer to Question 5.
7. What is the typical appearance of an old myocardial infarction vs. a recent myocardial infarction?
8. Can a myocardial infarction cause the wall of the heart muscle to become thin? Why does this happen? How thin can the wall get?
9. What is can be a clinical consequence of myocardial thinning?
10. What might an EKG have looked like for a patient with an infarct in this location?

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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