Case 30 Part 5

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What's inside?

Y-shaped incision
Chest Plate
Costochondral junction
Open heart surgery
Wire ties
Bone saw
Pectoralis major muscle
Pectoralis minor muscle
Inferior costal margin

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Discussion Questions


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1. What are the attachments of the patella?
2. What’s superior, the patellar tendon or the quadriceps tendon?
3. The patient tore his patellar tendon. This was repaired and the repair failed. How could this relate the patient’s alcoholism?
4. What evidence is there in the video of knee trauma?
5. Is this a complete or partial autopsy?
6. Who makes that decision?
7. What’s the difference between a coroner (medical examiner) case and a hospital/family-requested case?
8. The physician discusses performing a liver biopsy. He mentions two different approaches accessing the liver: through the abdomen vs. through the chest. List the anatomic structures you would pass through to get to the liver for each option.
9. Why is there scarring over the sternum (review the history).
10. How is coronary artery bypass surgery performed?
11. How decomposed is this body?
12. What tendons attach to the clavicle?

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Show me what each option does.


If I click this…
I’ll see a video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of key terms or an activity.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of discussion questions about the video.
If I click this…*
I’ll see the same video but with interactive anatomy pins.
On the right I’ll see the list of pins.
*Only on some cases.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video but I can draw on it and add numbers to label what I’ve drawn.
It’s interactive.
If I click this…
I’ll have a sketch pad to draw on.
There’s a male body diagram, a female body diagram and also a blank canvas.
This space is saved for the future.