Case 20 Part 2

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What's inside?

Abdominal aorta
Ostium of celiac artery
Ostium of superior mesenteric artery
Ostium of inferior mesenteric artery
Inferior vena cava
Renal artery
Gerota’s fascia
Arteriolar nephrosclerosis

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Discussion Questions


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1. Orient the organ block. Decide where superior, inferior, right lateral and left lateral are, and if you are viewing from anterior or posterior.
2. For most of the video, the orientation is viewed as though from the “side of the patient.” Superior switches form right to left as the physician works from one side or the other. Keep track of when the left edge is the superior and when the right edge is superior.
3. Is the aorta being opened up from inferior or superior?
4. Is the inferior vena cava being opened up from inferior or superior?
5. Identify and name the main ostia visible in the aorta. There are five of them.
6. Identify each ureter.
7. What is arteriolar nephrosclerosis, mentioned by the physician.
8. Are the kidney normal in size?
9. Identify the liver in the video.
10. Identify the diaphragm in the video.
11. Where are the adrenals in relation to the kidneys?
12. Is the inferior vena cava to the right or the left of the aorta?
13. There are two tubes identified near the right kidney. One is the ureter. One is not. Which one is the ureter? What type of tube is the other? How can you tell? What is the name of the other tube? Where did it start and where is it going?

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