Case 32 Part 1

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Discussion Questions


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1. Summarize the history and clinical issues.
2. Why do you think the patient might have died?
3. What is the differential diagnosis of post-operative mental status change?
4. What is the differential diagnosis of post-operative somnolence?
5. Can you suggest a plausible explanation of the symptoms and cause of death that had nothing to do with medication administration?
6. Could the symptoms and death have been related to medication administration? Why or why not?
7. Families may or may not have a realistic understanding of clinical issues. What factors go into a family’s understanding of their loved one’s medical issues? What steps can you take, as a provider, to assist with a family’s understanding?
8. You are the patient’s provider. You do not believe the patient died from drug effect, although you are not sure exactly why the patient was somnolent. The family meets with you and insists the somnolence and death were from the medication. How will you respond?
9. Summarize your physical exam findings based on the video.

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