Case 34 Part 4

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What's inside?

Abdominal incision
Femoral artery catheterization evaluation
Linea alba
Greater omentum
Parietal peritoneum

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Discussion Questions


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1. What procedure(s) did the patient have?
2. Why is the autopsy physician incising in the right groin?
3. What anatomic structures are in this region?
4. The autopsy physician says the bleeding is “superior but not inferior”? Why did he say this? Why would bleeding be in that distribution?
5. Where did the blood come from?
6. How far away did the blood travel from the source of bleeding?
7. Why were transfusions required after placement of an arterial patch?
8. How much of the blood is from the patient herself and how much is from transfusions?
9. Identify the anatomic layers of the abdominal wall visible in the video.
10. What layer is the blood inside?
11. Did the patient bleed into her abdominal cavity? Identify the point in the video that tells you the answer.
12. What post-procedure checks are there after a cardiac cath?
13. What additional precautions should you take in an obese person?
14. What additional precautions should you take after a cardiac cath that required multiple attempts?
15. What should team communication look like after a procedure with a complication of difficulty?
16. The clinician diagnosed “anxiety.” What is the differential diagnosis for agitation and mental status change after a cardiac cath?
17. The nurse identified a lost pulse early on after the procedure. What was the clinical significance of the lost pulse.
18. What is the role of each care team member in communication critical data?
19. What is the role of each care team member in ensuring that critical data translates into action on behalf of the patient?

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Anatomy Pins

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5


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*Only on some cases.
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