Case 42 Part 5

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What's inside?

Coronary arteries

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Discussion Questions


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1. What vessel is behind the pulmonary artery?
2. Which vessel his plaque?
3. About how much plaque is in the vessel?
4. Can you estimate a “percent blockage” of this vessel?
5. Which vessels appear free of plaque?
6. Why does the vessel with plaque “crunch” when it is cut?
7. How common is to see variable amounts of plaque in the coronary arteries?
8. How common do you think it is for a very elderly person to have minimal plaque in their coronary arteries?
9. Are the findings in the video the cause of death in this case? Why or why not?
10. Are the findings in this video a contributing cause of death? Why or why not?
11. Did this patient need any kind of procedure to treat her blockage?
12. Revisit questions 7 through 11 considering the same findings in a 40-year-old.

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