Case 45 Part 2

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What's inside?

Pulmonary congestion
Pulmonary edema

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Discussion Questions


1. Identify the main hilar structures.
2. What findings evidence pulmonary edema?
3. What is the mechanism of cardiogenic pulmonary edema?
4. What are non-cardiac causes of pulmonary edema?
5. What is the difference between pulmonary congestion and pulmonary edema?
6. Can pulmonary congestion be present without pulmonary edema?
7. Can pulmonary edema be present without pulmonary congestion?
8. Identify when the right lung is being assessed. Identify when the left lung is being assessed.
9. What pathology findings are similar in both lungs? What finding is different? How would you account for this?
10. The weight of the lungs is mentioned a number of times in the video. What is the normal weight of the lungs?
10. About how much do these lungs weigh (mentioned in the audio)?
11. What accounts for the change in weight?
12. Would you expect a pleural effusion in a patient with pulmonary congestion? Under what circumstances?
13. Would you expect a pleural effusion in a patient with pulmonary edema? Under what circumstances?
14. What x-ray findings might you find in a patient with these lung changes?
15. What conditions might mimic pulmonary edema or pulmonary congestion on x-ray?
16. What is sickle chest syndrome? How does it present clinically and radiographically?

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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