Case 7 Part 4

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What's inside?

Inferior vena cava
Psoas muscle
Ureter, right
Common iliac artery
Common iliac vein
Small intestine

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Discussion Questions


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1. Identify the artery near the start of the video. Is it the femoral artery, the external iliac artery or the common iliac artery?.
2. Identify the vein near the start of the video. Is the femoral vein, the external iliac vein or the common iliac vein?
3. Order from medial to lateral: femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral nerve
4. Does the common iliac vein cross over (anterior) or behind (posterior) to the common iliac artery?
5. Identify the psoas muscle. (Jump to interactive video and point to it.)
6. What are the attachments of the psoas muscle?
7. Identify the ureter. What are the proximal and distal connections of the ureter?
8. You are health provider undertaking a “femoral stick” to draw blood. Are you above or below (superior or inferior) the region in the video?
9. Can a deep venous thrombosis form in the iliac veins? What kind of symptoms might occur compared to a DVT in the popliteal vein?
10. What diagnoses can mimic a pelvic DVT?
11. You are surgeon. How would you place an inferior vena cava filter in the setting of a pelvic DVT?

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Anatomy Pins

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to view list again.

Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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If I click this…
I’ll see a video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of key terms or an activity.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of discussion questions about the video.
If I click this…*
I’ll see the same video but with interactive anatomy pins.
On the right I’ll see the list of pins.
*Only on some cases.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video but I can draw on it and add numbers to label what I’ve drawn.
It’s interactive.
If I click this…
I’ll have a sketch pad to draw on.
There’s a male body diagram, a female body diagram and also a blank canvas.
This space is saved for the future.